Thursday, October 11, 2012


5th October 

When your vehicle does its last turn that puts you in the direction of home you tend to stay in that position because once home is in sight you realise that that is where you want to be.

Our last night of our trip was in Yass. This was only because it was in the line of home and was located at a reasonable position for our last leg. 

On our way though we did stop at Gundagai for lunch at the famous Dog on the Tuckerbox.

The caravan park at Yass was full to the brim and had no television reception. Thus at 8.30pm there were no lights on in the caravans except for ours of course. We were the only non grey nomads! The kids sounded much louder than normal as you could have heard a pin drop!

So tomorrow is home sweet home.

Until again...

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