Friday, September 21, 2012

Wellington & Cobar (and everything inbetween)

20th September 2012

We all know that before you get to your intended destination you must sometimes encounter some boring parts to get there.
Well in our case there was certainly some boring parts but there was also some very beautiful parts.

Once we descended off the wonderful mountain all the paddocks were green and all the dams were full.  At one stage Canola crops were in abundance. Its vibrant yellow crop against an oats crop made it look like major Australian support – green and gold stripes.

Oats & Canola Crop - Go Aussie
It took us 3 ½ hours to get to Wellington. The trip was hassle free and the countryside was beautiful. Here we stayed at the Wellington Caves Caravan Park – what a lovely park and would definitely stay there again. Lovely and neat, clean amenities and friendly staff.

Wellington's Famous Chimes
The next day off on the road again we headed towards Cobar and didn’t it start to get boring. Scrub, scrub and more scrub. Through Dubbo, Narromine, Trangie, Nevertire, Nyngan then Cobar taking us 4 ½ hours. Thank God for portable DVD players as the boys were as quiet as mice in the back. The only caravan park in Cobar is full – lucky we booked ahead. Nice and friendly.
The only wildlife on the road was goats. A dear friend of mine recently visited Broken Hill and she warned me of the abundance of them. There weren’t that many but a stern looking billy goat with very healthy horns and a long beard was certainly a highlight.

After having lunch with D's parents on the Bogan River at Nyngan we headed off towards Cobar. The countryside became very harsh and uninviting. No farmhouses could be seen from the road – just signs indicating the name of the properties. To live in this neck of the woods one must be certainly a dedicated farmer and must enjoy the company of a small amount of people. Our youngest even commented on the redness of the dirt – something that he hasn’t seen before. D is certainly looking forward to seeing the contrast of red on his black dragon!!!!!

Nothing much to look at - at least it is straight driving - no car sickness today!
So off to Menindee Lakes tomorrow via the Menindee-Wilcannia Road on the western side. All reports tell us that the road is open. We will however take a brief look around Wilcannia to see if the reports are telling the truth that it clearly once was a grand old town!!!!!!

Until again…..

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