Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Yorke Peninsula, SA

28th September

Today we left Merna Mora but not without a blast – literally blasts of wind roared during the last night of our stay. Unfortunately when you are travelling you are at the whim of the weather and that was certainly the case.
Our trusty Swan again served its purpose and stayed intact – thank god! But it was not pleasant at all. The owner had told me that day that the winds were not normal for this time of year. Yippee for us. Not only was the night roaring wind but it was incredibly hot as well. The windows had to be opened but because of the wind we were basically eating dust.

Aside that nasty wind front we really enjoyed our stay at Merna Mora and would recommend it to anyone. I was sad to leave.
We travelled through Hawker and onto Quorn. In between we visited some wonderful old ruins call Kanyaka Homestead. This was once a huge sheep station which in one year sheared 40,000 head. It would have been very grand and majestic in its day.

Kanyaka Ruins
We then took a detour to Port Augusta and had a look. In my opinion it is not a very pretty town – I would call it more industrial. However we did find the Water Tower Lookout and saw some good views.

Port Augusta from the Water Tower Lookout
We then headed south down the western side of the Yorke Peninsula passing through Port Pirie and arriving in Port Hughes. The section of the caravan park that we are staying at is on the foreshore. And yep you guessed it, the same low pressure system that gave us curry at Merna Mora was waiting for us at Port Hughes.

It is a lovely place to stay with the jetty right near the park and magnificent views of the Spencer Gulf but the wind was blowing like 60 bastards and we all know what 40 bastards feel like!!!! We have to be patient and see what tomorrow brings.

Until again…

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